Mireille Kassar

Born in Lebanon, Paris and Beirut based artist Mireille Kassar has developed a rich and varied body of work that includes paintings, drawings, music, films, writings and installations.
M. Kassar has exhibited internationally since 1996 (Fondation Joan-Miró, Barcelona).
Her art is treated as an expanded state of consciousness, often beyond or beneath language. It can be perceived as a re-adjustment of the sensorial experience, shifting from any discursive thought, hence «recognized» as an archetype of sorts, a primal recognition sensation. As the cornerstone foundation and regeneration of her practice, her painting orients, organizes, and convokes other forms of art, all in dedication to this search.
Kassar’s artistic and spiritual pursuit leads her to close encounters with indivi- duals, beings and lands, whose very geographical or cultural remoteness is the pledge of a singular proximity. Distance, proximity, dispersion, time unfolding... inspirations embodied in the heart of her life’s work.
More about Mireille Kassar
Mireille Kassar is Executive Delegate, and Art Director at « Amar Foundation for Arab Music Archiving and Research ».
She is an Art Professor at « Ecole Spéciale D’Architecture » in Paris, France.
- The title «Mantek Al Tayr», is in tribute to the book of the Sufi author Fariduddin Attar.
Recent exhibitions and projections include:
May 21st " June 28th 2013 : Agial Art Galery, "The Conference of the Birds" a perso-
nal exhibition, Beyrouth - Lebanon
Art Dubaï 2014 : "The Conference of the Birds".
October 1st 2014 - March 1st 2015 : British Museum: "Poetry and Exile". Exhibition by the British Museum of its latest acquisitions of the work of Mireille Kassar. Exhibition di- rected by Mrs Venitia Porter (Chief curator, British Museum, London).
February 5 - 16th 2015 : Berlinale Forum Expanded: The permanent screening of the film "The Children of Uzai, AntiNarcissus" at the 65th Berlin Film Festival (Berlinale) and in the Selection Forum Expanded. Exhibition and selection directed by Stefanie Schulte Strathaus, Anselm Franke, Nanna Heidenreich, Bettina Steinbrügge and Ulrich Zie- mons.
April 13th " May 24th 2015 : Università degli Studi: Interni "Energy and Creativity" The film "The Children of Uzai, AntiNarcissus" is part of the Camera Chiara installation in Milano - Italy.
July 24th 2015 : New Horizon Festival European Short Films. Selection and projec- tion of the film " The Children of Uzai, AntiNarcissus " in Wroclaw - Poland. Selection directed by Mrs Anna Dabrowska.
August 04 - 30th 2015 : Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Germany: Video Box. Exhibition of the film "The Children of Uzai, AntiNarcissus" in permanent screening within the theme "Silent Cinema at Video Box", screenings over a month of silent films and art videos. Selection led by Mrs. Alice Koegel.
August 04th - November 15th 2015 : Center for Contemporary Art Ujadowski Castle: "Dust". Presentation of eight paintings. Exhibition organized by Anna Ptak and Amanda Abi Khalil in Warszawa - Poland.
October 10th to November 30th 2015 : Palazzo Riso in Palermo, Italy.
"Nel mezzo del Mezzo". Presentation of series of paintings and the film "The Children of Uzai, AntiNarcissus" : Acquisitions of the Center of Modern Art George Pompidou. Exhi- bition organized by Christine Macel (Chief curator, Centre Pompidou, Paris), Marco Bazzini (art critic) and Bartomeu Mari (former director of the Macba, Barcelona, 2008-2015), after on original idea from the writer François Koltès and the artist Michele Ciacciofera.
December 5 - 6th 2015 : " Festival OVNI "
May 24th, 2016 - June 5th, 2016 : Venezia Palazzo Dona dalle Rose, "BIAS".
September 9th 2016 : Vienna, at SEE YOU NEXT THURSDAY gallery, "the meandering line"
Septembre 2nd - October 1st 2016 : OQBO Gallery, "Rencontres improbables (the secret encounters of Kusama Kalthoum)", Exhibition curated by artists Mireille Kassar and Jayce Salloum, Berlin
September 24th 2016 - October 23th 2016 : Cassaro Alto - Palermo: "BIAS".
March 23th 2016 - February 6th 2017 : National Center of Modern Art Georges-Pom- pidou, Paris - France : " Dear Friends,Tribute to donors of contemporary collections ". Exhibitions of the paintings and film of Mireille Kassar, works acquired by the Center Georges - Pompidou. Exhibition directed by Christine Macel (Chief curator, Centre Pompidou, Paris).
September 9th , 2017 : Mireille Kassar’s work selected for the celebration of Centre Georges Pompidou 40th anniversary, "JEUX, RITUELS ET RÉCRÉATIONS " Curated By Marcela Lista and Bernard Blistène (director of Centre Georges Pompidou), Gare Saint Sauveur, Lille - France.
September 22nd 2017 : BienalSur first edition of the Latin American Biennial, organized by "Universidad nacional de Tres de Febrero " , directed by Anibal Jozami, curated by Diana Wechsler.
- Tucuman - Argentina, Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Timoteo Navarro, "Poetics,
Politics, Places " organized by Nayla Tamraz ( Head of the Department of French Literature at Saint Joseph University, Beirut, Lebanon)
- Asunción - Paraguay, Fundacion Migliorisi Museum, Premiere of the film: "The tale of the western exile" (after the book of the Sufi author Shahab-Al-Din Sohrawardi), organized by Claudia Casarino (artist and curator).