Didier Fiuza Faustino

Didier Fiúza Faustino is an architect and artist working on the relationship between body and space.
He started his own practice at the crossroad of art and architecture just after graduating in ar-chitecture in 1995. He has been developing since then a multi-faceted approach, ranging from installation to experimentation, from visual art to the creation of multi-sensorial spaces and buildings. His projects are characterized by their critical perspectives, their freedom of codes and their ability to offer new experiences to the individual and collective body.
In some of his iconic works, such as Body in transit (Venice Biennale, 2000), a minimal space critiquing the transport of illegal immigrants, or One square meter house (Paris, 2007), a building prototype questioning the notions of land value and ownership, Faustino’s subversive stance invites us to question the political role of creation as well as our own position as a sub- ject and a citizen.
With other main projects like Stairway to heaven (Castello Branco, 2001) "a public space for individual use" or (G)host in the (S) hell (Storefront NYC, 2008), he leads us to reconsider the boundaries between private and public, between personal and communal. Faustino has designed several mobile architectures for private clients and international events: Arteplage Mobile du Jura (Swiss Expo 02, 2002), Temporary Autonomous Zone (Art Basel unlimited, 2004), The Hermès H Box (2006), a mobile video screening hall presented world-wide (London Tate Modern, Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, Beyeler Foundation in Basel...).
Exhibitions have been dedicated to his work in France (Frac Centre, Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine " CAM, Le Magasin in Grenoble), Portugal (Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian, Japan (CCA Kitakyushu, Hermès Foundation in Tokyo) and the USA (Laxart
in Los Angeles, Storefront in NYC), among others. He has been invited as well to international biennials (Venice, Tapei, Yokohama, Sao Paulo, Istanbul, Beijing, etc.) and frequently gives lectures at major universities and international institutions.
In 2009, he founded and curated the first Bordeaux Biennial Evento dedicated to art in the public space.
After six years of teaching at the AA School in London (2011 - 2017) and two years as editor in chief of the French architecture and design magazine CREE (2015 - 2016), Didier Fiúza Faustino currently dedicates his full time to architecture, art and design. His main projects are a cultural facility (Mexico City), an artist studio (France), a lounge with all its furniture (Bel-gium) and a multi-family house (Costa Rica).
Didier exhibits for the 20th anniversary of the Guggenheim in Bilbao (Spain). Several exhibitions are in preparation in Berlin, London and for the 100th anniversary of the Bauhaus in Krefeld.
He is represented by Galerie Michel Rein Paris / Brussels, Galeria Filomena Soares in Lisbon and Galeria Parque in Mexico City.
More about Didier Fiuza Faustino
2011 - 2017 : Teacher at the AA School, Diploma Unit 2, London.
2015 - 2016 : Editior-in-chief of the CREE magazine, France.
2009 : General curator for Evento09, 1st edition of the artistic and urban rendez-vous of Bordeaux.
2002 : Co-founder of "Bureau des Mésarchitectures", Paris, France.
Didier Faustino is represented by the Galerie Michel Rein, Paris / Brussels - Galeria Filomena Soares, Lisbon - Parque Galeria, Mexico.
- “Unbuilt Memories”, Galeria Filomena Soares, Lisbon, Portugal.
- “Domestic Landscape 2.0”, Installation in space public, Vienna, Austria.
- “Sabotaje”, Parque Galeria, Mexico DF, Mexico.
- “My Crafts”, Galerie Michel Rein, Paris, France. 2015
- “Des Corps & Des Astres”, Le Magasin, Grenoble,
- “Undomesticated Places”, AA School, London, England. 2014
- ”Décors & Désastres”, Villa André Bloc, Meudon,
- “Memories of tomorrow”, solo show, Transpalette, Bourges, France.
- “We can't go home again”, solo show, Galerie Michel Rein, France.
- “Dead Zone”, HEAD, Geneva university of art and design, Geneva, Switzerland.
- “Habeas Corpus”, Galeria Filomena Soares, Lisbon, Portugal.
- “Lemeilleurdesmondes”,Citédel’architectureetdu patrimoine, Paris, France.
- “The Wild Things”, Galerie Michel Rein, Paris, France. - “Don’t Trust Architects”, Centro de Arte Moderna,
Fundaçao Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbonne, Portugal. - “Interzone”, Designers days, windows of Galeries
Lafayette Maison, Paris, France.
- “Balance of Emptiness”, Center for Contemporary Art, Kitakyushu, Japan.
- “Agnosian Fields”, Maison Hermès, Tokyo, Japan. 2009
- “(G)host in the (S)hell 2”, Laxart, Los Angeles, USA. 2008
- “(G)host in the (S)hell”, Storefront, New York, USA. 2007
- “Symposium” Galerie Gabrielle Maubrie, Paris, France.
- “Nem Tudo é Verdade”, La Verrière, Brussels, Belgium.
2000 : Co-founder of "Númerofestival" (electronic music festival), Lisbon, Portugal.
1998 : Co-founder of "Númeromagazine", Lisbon, Portugal (arts magazine).
1997 : Co-founder of "Le Fauteuil Vert", Paris, France (multidisciplinary workshop).
1996 : Founder of Laboratory of Architecture, Performances and Sabotages, "Laps", Paris, France.
EDUCATION & AWARDS (selection)
2018 : Pierre Cardin Prize (Architecture) of the Academy of Fine Arts / Institut de France.
2017 : Finalist for The Design Prize - Designboom & Abitare, section Artistic realm.
Special Property Design Award Prize 2017 "
4 Design Days, Katowice (Poland);
2010 : “Prix Dejean“, French Academy of Architecture, Paris, France.
2010 : Finalist at Iakov Chernikhov International Prize for Young Architects;
2007 : Nominated for the Mies Van der Rohe Award 2007. 2002 : “Nouveaux Albums de la Jeune Architecture“, Paris, France (Ministry of Culture).
MAAT, Museu de Arte, Arquitetura e Tecnologia, Lisbon, Portugal.
MoMA, Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA.
CNAP, Centre National des Arts Plastiques, Paris, France.
CAM, Centro de Arte Moderna, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, Portugal.
FNAC, Fond National d’Art Contemporain, Paris, France.
MNAM, Musée National d’Art Moderne / Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France.
MACS, Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Serralves, Porto, Portugal.
FRAC Centre, Fond Régional d’Art contemporain, Orléans, France.
FRAC Nord-Pas de Calais, Fond Régional d’Art contemporain, Dunkerque, France.
- “Corpus Delicti”, Galerie Gabrielle Maubrie, Paris, France.
- “Salaryman’s Dream”, Center for Contemporary Art, Kitakyushu, Japan.
- “Didier Fiúza Faustino / Bureau des Mésarchitectures”, ICP, Institute for Cultural Policy, Hamburg, Germany.
- “1/1, 1/10, 1/100.”, FRAC Centre, Orléans, France. 2003
- “Didier Fiúza Faustino”, MACS, Museu de Arte
- “Des choses en moins, des choses en plus”, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France.
- “Buildering : Misbehaving the City”, Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, USA.
- “Nuit Blanche”, Mairie du IVe, Paris, France.
- “FIAC Hors les Murs”, Jardin des Tuileries, Paris, France. - “Salon der Angst”, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Austria.
- “Lookout - Architecture with a View”, SAM -
Schweizerisch Architektur Museum, Basel, Switzerland. - “Dialogues”, MAK Center for Art & Architecture, Los
Angeles, USA. Contemporânea de Serralves, Porto, Portugal. 2012
- “Interstice”, Galerie Gabrielle Maubrie, Paris, France. 2002
- “Project Room”, Artists Space, New York, USA.
- “WC/Container”, Artes em Partes, Porto, Portugal. GROUP SHOWS (selection 2010 " 2019)
- “Augures”, BAP ! (Ile-de-France architecture and landscape Biennial), Versailles, France.
- “Architecture effects“, Guggenheim Bilbao, Spain. - “Thrill of Heights “, Linz, Austria.
- “Domestic Pools“, Villa Noailles, Hyères, France. 2017
- “Utopia / Dystopia II“, MAAT, Lisbon, Portugal.
- “Far away, So close“, 25th Bienial of Design - BIO25,
Ljubljana, Slovénie.
- “Next Exit“, Triennale 2017, Valais / Wallis, Suisse.
- “Marcher dans le rêve d’un autre“, Biennale
d’architecture du Frac Centre, Orléans, France.
- “Working promesse“, 10e Biennale internationale du
design, Saint Etienne, France.
- “The end of the world“, Centro Pecci, Prato, Italy.
- “Open End”, Cimetière de Plainpalais, Geneva,
- “El peso de un gesto” , Caixa Madrid, Spain.
- “ La Maison Magique”, collective exhibition with Atelier
Bow How, Maison de la Culture du Japon à Paris, France.
- “Transformers”, MAXXI, Rome, Italy.
- “1st Chicago Architecture Biennial”, Chicago, USA. - “12th Havana Biennial”, Cuba.
- “Décors & Désastres”, Villa André Bloc, Meudon, France.
- “Conceptions of Space: Recent Acquisitions in
Contemporary Architecture“, MoMA, New York, USA.
- “9 + 1 Ways of Being Political: 50 Years of Political Stances in Architecture and Urban Design”, exhibition of the collections of Architecture and Design, MoMA, New York, USA.
- “Between Spaces”, CAM’collection 1968-2011, CAM, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Projections Urbaines”, Red Brick Warehouse No.1, Yokohama city, Japan.
- “Ultrabody”, Castello Sforzesco, Milano, Italy.
- “X_sound : John Cage, Nam June Paik and After”, Nam
June Paik Art Center, Korea.
- “L’émoi du design " Diseno de Francia”, Institut français,
Madrid, Spain.
- “Re-cycle : Strategie per l’architettura, la citta e il pianeta”, Maxxi, Roma, Italy.
- “Prix Meurice pour l’art contemporain”, Meurice hotel, Paris, France.
- “Paris design week”, Cité de la mode et du design, Paris, France.
- “My Paris / Collection Antoine de Galbert, the french scene”, ME collectors room Berlin, Germany.
- “See Yourself Sensing: Redefining Human Perception”, WORK Gallery, London, England.
“The Sounds inside my Mind”, Galerie Natalie Seroussi, Paris, France.
“Body sound: update III”, Liedts-Messen Foundation, Gent, Belgium.
“Frozen Moments. Architecture Speaks Back". Research & Leisure, Laura Palmer Foundation & The Other Space Foundation. Tbilissi, Georgia.
“Global Design”, MUDAC, Switzerland.
“Spatial City: An architecture of Idealism”, Institute of Visual Arts (Inova), Milwaukee - Hyde Park Art Centre, Chicago -Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCAD), Detroit.
“Destroy design”, Collection du Frac Nord-Pas de Calais, MUDAC, Switzerland.
“H-Box”, New Museum, New York - Laboratorio Arte Alameda, Mexico - Beyeler Foundation, Basel.
MONOGRAPHS (selection)
- “Vortex Populi“, 96 p., published by It:edition, France. 2016
- “Didier Fiuza Faustino " Mésarchitectures“, 208 p., published by AA publisher, United Kingdom. 2015
- “Short cuts“, Monografik Editions, France. 2008
- “Didier Fiúza Faustino / Bureau des Mésarchitectures“,
DD Series #21, 192 p., Damdi Architecture Publishing
Co., Korea. 2007
- “Plans & Directions Didier F. Faustino“, publisher CCA
Kitakyushu, Japan. 2006
- “Anticorps“, exhibition catalogue, 128 p., collection FRAC
Centre, publisher HYX, France. - « Stairway to Heaven », 158 p., publisher One Star Press, France. 2004.